Access thousands of e-book and audiobook titles for all ages and interests through a user-friendly lending service platform. Benefit from intuitive browsing, downloading, reading, and listening experience with automatic returns and no overdue fees. Available 24/7 and accessible on any desktop or mobile device. Note: The cloudLibrary app is required to read checked-out titles.
Visit CloudLibrary online, or download the CloudLibrary app for the best digital experience on your phone or tablet.
Visit the getting started with cloudLibrary page for more details, including how to setup an account for first time users.
Listening to audiobooks on the go has never been easier! No need for checkouts, waitlists, or downloads: AudioBookCloud allows you to stream audiobooks on-demand. Browse and add titles to your favourites list from categories including fiction (mystery and suspense, romance, sci-fi) nonfiction (biography, history, self-help), classics, and the Spanish language.
Access from within the library
O'Reilly's online learning solution provides instant access to the latest eBooks and online learning content from today's major technology and business publishers. Designed to support students and professionals working to advance their careers, O'Reilly curates content from trusted sources to help learners upskill in specialized areas and prepare for what's next. Learn in a way that works with your schedule — with certification guides, practice exams, case studies, interactive tutorials, and videos, available on-demand.
New to O'Reilly for Public Libraries? Visit the Getting started with O'Reilly for Public Libraries page for more
An online collection of books for middle- and high-school students. No need for checkouts, waitlists, or downloads: TeenBookCloud allows you to read and listen to books on-demand. Improve reading and comprehension skills from a collection of hi/lo literature and enhanced novels that feature professional narration and line-by-line text highlighting. Get instant access to high-school curriculum reads including Shakespeare’s plays and other classic works. Students can also access popular, award-winning & classic favourites in fiction, non-fiction, and graphic novel categories. Available 24/7 and accessible on any desktop or mobile device.
An online collection of books for preschoolers, elementary school children, and their families. No need for checkouts, waitlists, or downloads: TumbleBooks allows you to read and listen to books on-demand. Make reading a fun experience for kids with read-along storybooks that feature adjustable online text and complete audio narration. Children can also access popular, award-winning & classic favourites in fiction, non-fiction, and graphic novel categories. Available 24/7 and accessible on any desktop or mobile device.
Get instant access to TumbleMath, an online collection of math storybooks designed for K-6 students, and learners of all ages. TumbleMath combines animation, narration, and sound to create engaging stories that effectively teach math concepts. All books come with supplemental materials including lesson plans, instructional videos, educational games, and quizzes to support learning anytime.