BRAMPTON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Our Mission: Brampton Library enriches the lives of Brampton residents by promoting literacy, and by providing access to recreational materials and information in a welcoming environment that fosters connections with others and the community Regular Meeting Tuesday November 24, 2015 Boardroom, Four Corners Branch 7:00pm MINUTES PRESENT: P. Waters (Chair) K. Ladak D. Whillans (left 8:00pm) C. Phung M. Ben J. Massey-Singh R. Bunn K. Hay J. Awde REGRETS: M. Palleschi STAFF: R. Raven, Chief Executive Officer J. Baty, Director Information and Innovation R. Jones, Director Service Delivery S. Yates, Director Service Development J. Dawson, Manager Finance G. De Prisco, Manager Human Resources M. Georgie, Facilities Manager M. Kwok, Executive Assistant to CEO M. Macmillan, Branch Manager – Four Corners & South Fletcher’s S. Bartoletta, Branch Manager – Gore Meadows & Northeast Interim Site Convened: 7:00pm 1. Approval of the agenda Approval moved by J. Awde Seconded by M. Ben CARRIED 2. Declarations of conflict of interest None 3. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting, October 20, 2015 * Received Moved by J. Awde Seconded J. Massey-Singh CARRIED 4. Business arising from the minutes a) Clarification of Pregnancy leave top up - Collective Agreement * Update report received b) Follow-up regarding background for Mount Pleasant Village (MPV) i) Background Report ii) JOMA Agreement - a limited number of hard copies will be available at the meeting iii) Minutes of 1st Joint Operations Team Meeting * R. Raven thanked M. Georgie for capturing the information regarding the partnership between City of Brampton, Peel District School Board and Brampton Library in a concise background package * K. Ladak asked how the relationship is now that the partnership has been established for several years * J. Awde commented that the opening day staff for MPV worked very well together from the planning stages to the actual opening * R. Jones advised that the computers in the shared computer lab will be replaced in 2016 * She participated in a meeting with L. Lipson, Branch Manager, and school staff to initiate discussions regarding the possibility of extending hours * the school advised that a teacher committee will be established to determine what collaboration can be established to cover depleted resources * J. Massey-Singh asked about value-added services and outcome measures and how the school board can contribute financially to the provision of shared resources and services * R. Bunn asked for clarification about the extension of hours * R. Raven advised that these meetings are very preliminary and more details will be discussed in the new year * R. Jones advised that a pilot would occur in the new year with proposed extended hours * the library staff and school team committee would establish private areas for use during school hours * discussions are in very preliminary stages at this time c) Follow up - public washrooms at Cyril Clark branch * M. Georgie provided a brief verbal update * contractors have provided an estimate for the addition of doors to the Cyril Clark washrooms ¦ approximate cost $15,000 ¦ will review the quotes prior to further action d) Motion to amend Library Board By-laws - deferred from October meeting i) Motion to withdraw original motion to amend By-laws re: Past Chair position and the executive election process Motion to withdraw moved by R. Bunn Seconded by J. Massey-Singh CARRIED ii) New motion to accept the Library Board By-law revisions as revised and adopted at the June 23 meeting with the recommended revisions Motion to accept revisions moved by J. Massey-Singh Seconded by M. Ben CARRIED 5. Items of Business a) Report of the Chief Executive Officer * R. Raven provided an overview of her report highlighting the following: * Thanks to Board members who participated in the 2015 Staff Recognition Service Awards * She introduced M. Macmillan and S. Bartoletta as visitors to the Library Board meeting * Brampton Library has been nominated and received numerous awards throughout the year * New self-checks are in the process of being installed in all branches - almost complete * J. Baty provided an overview of Environics * offering to take Environics data and using patron and collection profiles to provide specific reports on lifestyle, who our patrons are and how we can better provide services and programs for them; * can target 68 specific lifestyles; communicate with CITY OF BRAMPTON and compare information; can start to layer the data * J. Awde asked if Environics uses age demographics * J. Baty advised that it is more specific to the demographics of lifestyle and behaviour * Send Environics link to Board members * S. Yates provided an overview of and (bought by LinkedIn) * provides certificate courses that are graded; provide professors for studies * excellent development option for staff * R. Raven thanked all the Board members who participated in the “Thanks To You Day” and Citizenship and Immigration Canada ceremony * R. Raven advised the Board that S. Yates, Director of Service Development will be retiring at the end of December and thanked her for her contributions to the Senior Management Team * R. Bunn commented that he is happy to see a more prominent exposure of Brampton Library in the press and community Moved by D. Whillans Seconded R. Bunn CARRIED b) 2016 Budget to Council Update * R. Raven advised that the enclosed presentation is the finalized proposal that has been approved and submitted to City of Brampton Council * there were no significant changes to the draft budget that were presented in October and November * Slide 9 was replaced by the handout provided at this meeting * She advised that the City would like to see more presentations and context from BL at future council meetings throughout the year * She will be working with the City of Brampton finance team to ensure that approaches and processes are aligned moving forward * The budget will be presented to council on Wednesday, December 2 at 7:00pm c) SOLS Trustee Meeting Report * J. Massey-Singh provided a summary report and an overview of the meeting * He highly recommends that Brampton Library participate in future meetings Moved by K. Ladak Seconded K. Hay CARRIED d) Ontario Library Association (OLA) SuperConference: Board Trustee Bootcamp Registration * R. Raven provided an overview of the OLA Conference and asked Board members who would like to participate to advise M. Kwok by the December Board meeting * R. Bunn advised that the 2015 boot camp was quite informative * P. Waters recommended that it was beneficial to sit at different tables too network with Board members from other library systems e) Social Media Policy * R. Raven advised that the enclosed document is a new policy to address Social Media * S. Yates provided a background re: the investigation into the initiation of the policy * J. Massey-Singh asked if there is a guideline for Board members and social media team members * R. Jones suggested that the policy be extended to all staff including Board members and volunteers * The Board recommended reviewing and amending wording “Staff… * Number and format the policy * Adopt policy with the recommended amendment Moved by K. Ladak Seconded R. Bunn CARRIED 6. Board Governance e) Discussion of Board Briefing document - distributed at October meeting * Surprise or intrigued: * K. Ladak - libraries are moving back to what they used to be - collaborative, gathering, connecting not just books; surprised by how many people are in the library * P. Waters - part of a book club and frustrated that the books are not available at the Library; will go to Chapters or online to buy the e-book * R. Jones agreed that the Market Probe Research is very problematic and not accurate ¦ online vs telephone results were quite different perceptions and behaviours ¦ revenues in book stores have not dropped - specifically niche book stores * J. Massey-Singh agreed with the perception that the Librarian knows about books and that is not necessarily the perception of a clerk at a book store * R. Raven says that the library has moved away from the traditional role of the librarian * Implications: * reduction of the use of hard materials * systems are struggling with a softening of physical attendance * more extensive options for programs * What next* * Consider lessons from other systems such as Seattle, Birmingham Library * Stay aligned with City directions and what are the outcomes * unique options for communities * Received 7. Information Items a) 2015 Ontario Public Library Service Awards - Short List Nominees b) Citizenship and Immigration Canada - Certificate of Recognition c) Marketing Advertising Update d) November 2015 Snapd Brampton e) OLA Magazine 8. In-Camera: Closed Meeting Motion to move In-Camera for the purpose of discussing issues pertaining to an identifiable individual Time: 8:33pm Motion to move to In-Camera moved by K. Hay Seconded by R. Bunn CARRIED Adjourned: 9:15pm Motion to adjourn meeting moved by Seconded by CARRIED Future Events Regular Meeting – Holiday Meeting Date: Tuesday, December 8, 2015 Meeting time: 6:00pm Dinner: 7:00pm Location: Aria Bistro & Lounge Regular Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Meeting time: 7:00pm Location: Four Corners Branch, 2nd Floor Boardroom