Minutes Brampton Library Board Tuesday, October 25, 2016 7:00pm – 9:00pm Mount Pleasant Village Branch Program Room PRESENT: J. Massey-Singh (Vice-Chair) M. Ben J. Awde K. Ladak R. Bunn K. Hay C. Phung D. Whillans M. Palleschi REGRETS: P. Waters (Chair) STAFF: R. Raven, Chief Executive Officer J. Baty, Director Innovation & Technology R. Jones, Director Service Delivery J. Dawson, Manager Finance C. Elston-Ryder, Manager Human Resources M. Kwok, Executive Assistant to CEO GUESTS: J. Dickenson, Manager, Marketing L. Lipson, Branch Manager, Mount Pleasant Village N. Arsenault, Branch Manager, Four Corners Z. Cassar, Branch Manager, Gore Meadows 1. Call to Order – 7:05pm 2. Approval of Agenda * J. Massey-Singh, Vice Chair assumed the Chair position in P. Waters absence * Motion to add the topic “Question Period” to the current and all upcoming agendas Approval moved by M. Palleschi Seconded by M. Ben CARRIED 3. Declarations of conflict of interest * None 4. Adoption of Minutes from the Library Board meeting on September 27, 2106 * Received * Clarify comment from J. Awde in Agenda Item 7a) to include “for ESL Students” Approval moved by R. Bunn Seconded by J. Awde CARRIED 5. Consent Agenda a. Report of the Chief Executive Officer Moved to pull the report for discussion by M. Palleschi Seconded by C. Phung CARRIED * K. Ladak asked if they could tour Springdale branch to see the progress * R. Raven advised that it is on the agenda for earliest convenience and that new Health and Safety regulations must be met prior to visiting * K. Ladak inquired as to how NovelBranch different from a pop-up library site * R. Raven explained that it has the potential to be placed in non-library facilities providing a kiosk-like service * Initially, the pilot will be in a shared facility to establish work flows and procedures * R. Bunn questioned the low response rate for the Summer Reading Club survey * B. Jones indicated that the survey yielded viable results for our first online survey * D. Whillans brought forward that consent items should be passed and that if there are questions regarding the contents, there should be a motion for the Agenda item to be pulled for discussion Approval moved by M. Palleschi Seconded by K. Ladak CARRIED 6. New Business a. Strategic Plan Recommendation * R. Raven conducted an overview of the proposed 2017 – 2021 Strategic Plan * D. Whillans stated that it was a great report and job well done and suggested council days at the library. He also indicated that we have the support of most of Council * M. Palleschi agreed that the work was excellent and recommended presenting the Plan to council sooner rather than later * He questioned the use of the term “Transparency” in the Values and recommended that another word that may be more appropriate such as “Security” * R. Raven responded that “Transparency” is directed more towards internal communications and understanding of branch to branch operations which will transfer to better service for members * K. Ladak added that there is a commitment to ensuring decisions are not hidden or screened but agreed with M. Palleschi o He also confirmed that there is a commitment to intellectual freedom and that the library will maintain minimal information as legislated Approval moved by J. Awde Seconded by D. Whillans CARRIED b. Visual Identity Recommendation * D. Whillans - likes it; flash doesn’t distract from the simplicity * M. Palleschi - very clean, not what he expected * J. Massey-Singh - timeless; no one uses this particular colour scheme * J. Awde - loves the simplicity * C. Phung - questioned whether an image would be more identifiable * K. Hay - looks like a post-it note; multi-colour slashes add splash to collateral * M. Ben - questioned the visual in relation to AODA compliance * R. Raven advised that the consultants will produce a completed style guide on how and when to use all iterations * M. Ben inquired about sharing all iterations o R. Raven advised that a steering committee was struck and they were involved in every step of the process. Subject matter experts were consulted and the committee members are asking for Board support of their decision. Approval moved by M. Palleschi Seconded by C. Phung CARRIED c. 2017 – 2019 Budget Approval Report i. Financials ii. Business Plan * M. Palleschi is concerned about the amount proposed for redeveloping FC and encouraged staff to start conversations regarding alternate options * R. Raven advised that staff are in conversation with City of Brampton regarding options * J. Massey-Singh suggested that redevelopment may be reflected in the development and options related to educational opportunities * R. Bunn questioned the previous City plan that was proposed and accepted regarding Phase 2 Approval moved by M. Palleschi Seconded by K. Ladak CARRIED d. Approval of Legislated Policies i. Corporate Accessibility Approval moved by D. Whillans Seconded by M. Ben CARRIED ii. Employee Code of Conduct Approval moved by K. Hay Seconded by K. Ladak CARRIED iii. Workplace Harassment Prevention Approval moved by R. Bunn Seconded by J. Awde CARRIED iv. Workplace Violence Prevention Approval moved by M. Palleschi Seconded by M. Ben CARRIED e. Fall meeting for SOLS * J. Massey-Singh agreed to attend the meeting and report back at the next meeting f. Holiday Dinner Date * Members agreed to meet on Tuesday, December 13 at 6pm * Location options will be reviewed at the November meeting 7. Information Items a. Certificate of Recognition from the Minister of Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship 8. Executive Session a. Personal matters about an identifiable individual Moved to Executive Session at 8:55pm Approval moved by M. Palleschi Seconded by D. Whillans CARRIED 9. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm Adjournment moved by K. Ladak Seconded by D. Whillans CARRIED 10. Upcoming Meetings: Meetings are held at Four Corners Branch in the 2nd Floor Boardroom unless otherwise specified below: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 TBD, December 2016