How do I suggest a title for the library to purchase?
Brampton Library welcomes recommendations from our customers for titles we do not already have in our collection.
Print books, DVDs, and more
To suggest print books, DVDs, audiobooks, and other materials or formats, we invite you to use the Suggest a Purchase form on this page. Please read the Suggest a Purchase Form guidelines below before continuing.
E-Books and audiobooks
To suggest e-books and audiobooks, we encourage you to submit your purchase suggestion through cloudLibrary.
When you are logged into the cloudLibrary web platform:
- Click on the search bar, then select Advanced Search.
- Open the drop-down menu under Availability, then select Suggestions for Library.
- Enter the title, author, series, and/or ISBN you are looking for, then select Search.
- If you are unable to find the title, please contact Library staff for assistance.
When you are logged into the cloudLibrary mobile app:
- Tap the Search button from the menu.
- Tap the Filter Books menu (three lines) next to the Search bar.
- Tap the toggle next to Suggestions for Library to turn on this option. Tap Apply.
- Browse or use the search bar to find a book or audiobook of interest. Tap the Suggest button on any title you would suggest.
When a title you suggested is purchased for the cloudLibrary collection, you will get a notification that it is available to borrow. Simply go to your Holds under My Books in the cloudLibrary web platform or mobile app.
New to cloudLibrary? Visit the getting started with cloudLibrary page for more details.
Suggest a Purchase Form Guidelines
- You must have a valid Brampton Library card to submit a purchase suggestion. If you have never had a Brampton Library card, click here to learn how to get a library card.
- Please check our catalogue here before submitting your purchase suggestion.
- We do not consider suggestions for items not yet published or released.
- We usually do not purchase titles more than two years old, and recommend submitting an Interlibrary loans form to request titles with an older publication date.
- All purchase suggestions are evaluated according to the Library's Collection Management Policy, with factors including customer demand, quality, and budget.
- For authors wishing to have their works considered for possible addition to the collection, please refer to "How do I as an author get my book added to the library's collection?"
- Fill out as much information as possible. Submit the same suggestion only once. Please note that for purchased titles, orders can take up to six (6) months to be filled.
We regret that we are unable to order every item suggested and that the volume of suggestions prevents us from responding individually and placing holds for customers. If we choose to purchase a title suggested, it will become available in the catalogue for you to place a hold.
Form disclaimer
The collection of information on this form is subject to the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Personal Privacy Act. This information is used for library-related purposes only. Questions regarding the collection of this information should be directed to the Director, Community Engagement and Partnerships.